less than 1 minute read

In a previous post we obtained the core software MSI for the base installation of CaseWare Working Papers. In this post, we are obtaining the MSI for CaseWare Connector.

So, to extract the MSI from the executable from the exe, follow the steps below.

  1. Login to the MyCase CaseWare Website
  2. In the Downloads tab, download CaseWare Connector version you need.
    The file will be in the following format ConnectorSetup.exe
  3. Go through the setup/installation.
  4. Navigate to the following location in file explorer to obtain the MSI

%localappdata%\Downloaded Installations\{Product Code}\CaseWare Connector 20XX (x86).msi

As noted previously, verify you have all software dependencies before your deployment.

You are now ready to deploy with your favorite deployment software!




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